Why Do Beagle Dogs Shed

Why Do Beagle Dogs Shed?

Shedding is a natural part of being healthy. If your Beagle begins shedding in large clumps or displays symptoms such as itchy or flaky skin, seek medical advice immediately.

Your Beagle’s diet will have an enormous effect on its shedding. A high quality fresh food diet should contain lots of Omega fatty acids which are vital for his skin and coat health.


Regular grooming can help to control shedding in dogs. A FURminator Deshedding Tool can be invaluable when it comes to combing out their coat and extracting any dead fur that has become stuck within it, using pin-like bristles that grab and pull out hair from between its locks, plus regular bristles for body grooming purposes.

Grooming your beagle during shedding season can help ensure a less messy house environment. Make sure to brush him 2-3 times a week during peak shedding periods or daily in non-shed periods; too much brushing could indicate overgrooming which could cause skin and coat issues in your dog.

Beagles are double-coated breeds, meaning they possess two layers of fur to regulate their temperature and endure harsh weather in the wild where they were bred to hunt rabbits and hares. Their double coat also protects them against sharp and prickly undergrowth where rabbits and hares often hide, helping regulate body temperature while they hunted them. Shedding occurs naturally during spring; excessive shedding during other seasons could be caused by environmental, seasonal, food or hormonal allergies as well as malnutrition or general poor health issues.


Beagles have evolved their double coat as hunters to help regulate their body temperature and protect themselves from harsh elements like sharp undergrowth where they would pursue rabbits and hares. As part of their natural shedding cycle, this double coat may shed at different times throughout the year with heavy shedding occurring most commonly around spring when beagles transition to their lighter summer coat.

As summer begins to set in, brushing your beagle three times weekly is recommended to maintain healthy fur and control shedding. A leave-in spray may also provide added protection from intense summer sunlight and dry air as well as friction which often increases shed.

If your beagle seems to be shedding fur in large clumps or scratching an area persistently, this could be a telltale sign of skin infection and hair loss, necessitating veterinary attention as well as medication.

Beagles require high-quality dog food to maintain healthy skin and coat, with diets consisting of various meats as an essential source of all their vital nutrients. Be sure to use only meat that is labeled “real” or wholesome meat; avoid foods containing corn, wheat or other fillers as these may harm their condition.

Lifestyle Changes

Why Do Beagle Dogs Shed?
Why Do Beagle Dogs Shed?

Beagles, as pack hound breeds, love spending time with people. They enjoy spending as much time with their owners as possible and require plenty of daily exercise outside. Regular grooming sessions with either a medium-bristle brush or rubber grooming mitt should keep their coat in top condition and prevent tangles; bathing should also take place when needed.

Make sure that your beagle always has access to fresh water; this helps them maintain healthy skin and coat, and regulate their body temperature. Avoid feeding table scraps or foods high in additives or colourants as these could make your dog sick.

Shedding in beagle dogs is a natural process that occurs as new fur replaces old. Beagles tend to shed moderately throughout the year; however, during spring and fall their rate of shedding increases significantly.

Your best bet for managing your beagle’s shedding is to feed them a high-quality, holistic pet food diet that promotes their overall wellbeing and reduces their shedding. Also be sure they stay well hydrated; dehydration is one of the major contributors to excessive shedding among dogs.

Health Concerns

Beagles were specifically bred for hunting and tracking game using their keen sense of smell. Their double coats help regulate body temperature, endure harsh elements found in shrubbery or rough terrain when hunting rabbits or hares, and protect from sharp twigs or branches that might appear. Unfortunately, this coat also leads to heavy shedding.

Brushing your dog’s coat regularly is the best way to control their shedding. Brushing will stimulate blood flow to their coat and spread natural oil throughout, while helping prevent shed fur from gathering on floors or furniture – one of the primary sources of increased shedding.

These long and floppy ears make these dogs particularly susceptible to ear infections, which must be regularly checked and cleaned. Left untreated, infections can lead to irreparable damage in their ear canal and even compromise their hearing altogether.

All breeds of dogs can suffer from back issues like intervertebral disc disease, which affects any part of the spine including the neck. Movement can become painful or impossible. Other health concerns include idiopathic epilepsy (a genetic condition which causes seizures) and acantosis nigricans (an extreme form of hair loss in which patches of extremely thin fur appear instead of thicker fur).