
Are Beagle Puppies Lazy?

are beagle puppies lazy?

Beagle puppies are a popular breed known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They have a rich history that dates back centuries, with origins in England. Beagles were originally bred for hunting small game, such as rabbits and hares, due…

Stubborn Beagle Training

Stubborn Beagle Training

Training a stubborn Beagle can be a challenging but rewarding journey for pet owners. Beagles are known for their independent nature and can be resistant to traditional training methods. However, with the right approach and techniques, you can effectively train…

When Will My Beagle Puppy Calm Down?

When Will My Beagle Puppy Calm Down

Many pet parents may be wondering when their hyper Beagle puppy will settle down. Thankfully, most Beagles should start calming down around one year mark. As they’re evolving physically and psychologically quickly, children will possess immense amounts of energy that…

When Do Beagle Puppies Stop Biting?

When Do Beagle Puppies Stop Biting

When your puppy is teething, he or she may bite their fingers or other things around the house to ease his or her discomfort. If this is happening in your household, providing appropriate and safe teething toys could be useful…

Do Beagle Puppies Chew A Lot?

Do Beagle Puppies Chew A Lot

One of the primary motivations for chewing is teething. Teething involves losing 28 deciduous (milk) teeth and replacing them with 42 adult ones, also known as push in. Your dog may experience itchy and sore gums at this time, prompting…

Why Are My Beagle Puppies Whining?

Why Are My Beagle Puppies Whining

No matter how annoying your Beagle’s whining may be, it is crucial that you understand their message. Don’t reward their behavior or pander to their demands as this will only exacerbate it! If your Beagle is experiencing discomfort, make an…

Are Beagle Puppies Hyperactive?

Are Beagle Puppies Hyperactive

As scent hounds, beagles need daily exercise to channel off any pent up energy that builds up. Failure to do so may result in destructive behavioral patterns. Many Beagle owners may notice their Beagle gradually relaxing around 4 months, when…